Caneva Waterpark Tickets

Caneva Waterpark Tickets

Caneva Waterpark Tickets & Ticket Prices
To visit Caneva Waterpark you need to buy your ticket in advance, which at the moment, can only be purchased online.
Your Caneva Waterpark ticket is valid for one day and gives you priority entry into the park and unlimited access to all rides and themed areas. Your Smartphone ticket can be cancelled for free up to 24 hours before your visit.
Please note that because of capacity management, after booking your ticket online you have to reserve a time slot for your visit on the Caneva's website.

The price of your Caneva Waterpark ticket depends on your height. Tickets cost:

  • 28 euro for visitors taller than 140cm
  • 22 euro for visitors between the height of 100 cm and 140cm
  • Visitors shorter than 100cm can visit the park for free and don’t need a fix date ticket
How to get to the Caneva Waterpark from Verona

    By Car: take the SP5 and the SS12 to Via Fossalta 58, 37017 in Fossalta

    By Train: take a regional train from the Verona Central Station (Verona Porta Nuova) going towards Milan and get off at the get Peschiera del Garda stop. From there take the 467 Bus to Fossalta toward Affi Centro Commerciale.

    By Bus: take the bus 164 from the Central Station of Verona toward Garda and get off at Fossalta.

    Free Shuttles: there are free shuttles leaving from the train station of Peschiera del Garda as well as from the main campaigns location at the Garda Lake.

Caneva Waterpark Opening Hours

  • Caneva Waterpark is open every day. The opening hours vary based on the season.
  • Opening Hours in August: